Romeo and Juliet / The Comedy of Errors (2020)

"The very best summer thing."
-- Warren Greenwood, Ithaca Times

With the COVID-19 pandemic still going strong, ISC shifted its 2020 summer productions to a fully virtual format. Our goal was to go beyond simple readings and instead offer fully realized productions, prepared and acted in ways that are consistent with our usual approach — but with some twists to take advantage of the digital medium. The online format allowed us to do some things we wouldn't have been able to do live, and allowed audience members to watch the performances live from the safety of their homes.

View the digital program for the shows here

Romeo and Juliet
July 16, 18, 24, 26 at 7 pm

It’s been 8 years since ISC’s last production of the greatest love story of all time. Join us this summer and get swept away in this tale of overwhelming passion, lyrical poetry, and tragic misfortune. Along with ISC’s actors, the performances will feature shadow puppet sequences created by Linda Wingerter of Stringpullers Puppet Company.

The Comedy of Errors
July 17, 19, 23, 25 at 7 pm

Not one but TWO sets of identical twins wreak havoc in one of Shakespeare’s craziest comedies! Confusion, arrests, mistaken identities, an exorcism, and a family separated and reunited fill the stage as the hilarity unfolds in the streets of ancient Ephesus.

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