Shakespeare wrote somewhere around 38 plays that we know of. (A few others are in dispute, or are lost, or may have been collaborations with other writers.) ISC has so far performed about 27 of them in one form or another -- which is pretty good. But that still leaves a significant number of plays that we've never done. So we're going to change that.
We're going to do them all!
We're setting a new long-term goal of Completing the Canon -- working through the plays we haven’t done until we’ve done all of Shakespeare’s plays.
(We won't ONLY do plays we haven't done before -- we'll continue to revisit some favorites along the way -- but the plays we haven't done yet will feature prominently in our programming until we've finished them all.)
Next up:
The first play in the project was the one that you asked for:
In 2021, when we couldn't perform live due to Covid, we did an online production where we asked all of you to vote on what you wanted to see in different categories.
One of those categories was "The play we've never done that you most want to see us do." And the play you chose was All's Well That Ends Well. So that's the play we used to kick off our Completing the Canon project!
Make sure to catch each of these rare plays as it gets performed!
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