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The Knight is Coming!

The Knight of the Burning Pestle

November 11-14 and 18-21 at 7:30 pm
November 14 and 21 at 3 pm

Community School of Music and Arts
330 E. State St.
Third Floor Auditorium

A foolish knight, a rhyming suitor, an angry ghost, a drunken singer, a burning pestle, an unruly audience, some unhappy actors, a squire, a dwarf, a barber, a giant, a father, a daughter, a mother, two sons, poems and prologues and singing and fighting and tricks and treats and maybe even a little romance...

What more could you want in a play?

We've been having a blast working on this comedic gem from the Shakespearean theatre, as you can see from our rehearsals...

See more photos from rehearsals

Memories of "Mackers"...

This summer's production of Macbeth was a huge expansion in scope and scale over our previous productions at Cornell Plantations. From the set and stage to the cast of more than 30 actors, from the coven of witches to the elaborately and beautifully choreographed fight sequences...seeing all that complexity come together and come alive on opening night was really wonderful.

Many thanks to everyone who worked to make it all possible!

A whole gallery of photos from the show is available on our website. Click here to revisit some of your favorite moments (or see what you missed)!